O-Ring, Drive Blade, and Bumper Replacement Kit for EFL50Q Framing Nailer

Model: RPEFL50Q



SKU: RPEFL50Q Categories: ,

The Estwing® RPEFL50Q O-Ring, Drive Blade, and Bumper Replacement Kit for the Estwing® EFL50Q Framing Nailer includes the O-rings, drive blade, and bumper needed to repair and replace the flooring nailer’s internal firing unit. This kit includes an O-ring rebuild kit (parts 4, 9, 10, 13, 16, 22.6, 22.7) and drive blade and bumper kit (parts 22, 23). For parts diagrams, click here.

Net Weight

0.68 lb


4" x 2.5" x 9.75"


Steel, Aluminum, and Rubber


  • Repair kit for the Estwing® EFL50Q Flooring Nailer and Stapler
  • Replacement kit includes an O-ring kit, and drive blade and bumper kit
  • Used to rebuild and repair the flooring nailer’s internal firing unit and wearable parts
  • Durable and high quality rubber, aluminum, and steel construction
  • Includes parts 4, 9, 10, 13, 16, 22.6, 22.7, 22, and 23 – refer to parts lists for part number identification and installation


  • Repair kit for the Estwing® EFL50Q Flooring Nailer and Stapler
  • Used to rebuild and repair the flooring nailer’s internal firing unit and wearable parts